The Forthcoming studies on Islamic Manuscript
Three weeks ago I was officially appointed as the Head of Department of Islamic History and Civilization at the National Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Then, for me, it is the time to promote Study on Islamic Manuscript of Indonesian Pondok Pesantren in the department.
Studying Manuscript is a new research tradition in the department, since no body start to make Islamic Manuscript as an object of academic research. But it is not the end of history. There is still a hope, if we come forward and start the first step. Propagating the new agenda looks like preaching a propaganda. Again there is a candlelite in the middle of the darkness.
The first candlelite, next week I will take my students (27 people) to conduct a collective research on Islamic Manuscript in Ponorogo. The outcome of the research would be a Catalogue of Islamic Manuscript in that area, and digital photograph of the whole manuscript collection. the digital photograph will be preserved in the department as a resources of forthcoming studies.
The second one is several forthcoming undergraduate thesis will appear under my supervision that take Islamic Manuscript as topic of their studies. to mention among them are:
1. Rubrication and its function in Islamic Manuscript
2. Comparative study on Islamic Manuscript and its printed edition and the role of Marginalia.
3. Traditional Healing in Islamic Manuscript
4. "Gedog" Paper and Writing Manuscript tradition at Tegal Sari Ponorogo in XIX century.